For Investor Community

The Cap Table Coalition goal is to allow talented, knowledgeable investors and operators from underrepresented communities—including but not limited to Black, Latinx, women, and LGBTQ+—who have traditionally been excluded from investing early in rocketship startups to be able to do so.

By joining the community, check writers gain access to a well-vetted and diverse network of high-growth startups and prominent VC firms. It’s not just about ensuring investors are represented on cap tables. It’s about helping historically underrepresented groups build track records, and get attribution for their work to help them start their careers and hopefully one day their own funds.

Deal flow matters. In 2015, Andreesen told the New Yorker: “Deal flow is everything. If you’re in a second-tier firm, you never get a chance at that great company.” A leading investment banker who has taken numerous software companies public told me, “I put ninety percent of my effort into seeking out deals from the top eight venture firms, ten percent into the next twelve, and zero percent into all the rest.” So how do you break the cycle if you are an unknown, underrepresented investor? How do you start your own funds and build your own generational wealth? By joining The Cap Table Coalition.